MG Architecture + Urbanism | NEWS
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April 01, 2016

Peter Park, Principal of MG Architecture Urbanism serves as one of the architecture committee members for a new education center (GFA 88,000 sf. / Construction Cost – $10 million) of Chodae Community Church, New Jersey. He oversees architecture design and construction phases in the committee.

March 29, 2016

Our Skyscraper design project ‘Air-Stalagmite’ featured in CBS News, Business Insider, and Archidaily

March 23, 2016

MG Architecture Urbanism received Honorable Mention with a future skyscraper design ‘Air-Stalagmite’ collaborating with Sizhe Chen Design at the 2016 Evolo Skyscraper Design Competition.

November 12, 2012

The project which our principal, Peter Changsoo Park participated as the design team leader in Archilier Architecture awarded the first prize from the Cleveland Design Competition (Transforming the bridge) hosted by Cleveland AIA and Lincoln Land Institute.